I am interested in IT technologies. I am a smart woman! We live in a modern world that develops so fast! I like to know a lot about this world and what future brings to us! Looking at stars is so romantic, I know a lot about stars and I am interested in astronomy! Health is so important and I like to read about medicine! It would be nice to know that the secret of a long life! Another my interest is psychology. People are so different. They have different manners and characters, but I think all people have something in common! Later I will tell you more about my researches!
I have a calm character. I like making domestic comfortable atmosphere at home. I like to enjoy the beauty of our world! Our life is wonderful and each new day I try to meet with a smile on my face! Everything is in small details; happiness is what you feel inside! I can add that I am also romantic, as a tender rose, sensual and cheerful. My heart is very tender and loving! I am feminine and looking here for a man who will make me feel like a princess!
40 - 65 years old
My man is loyal and caring. He has a good sense of humor and knows the secret of happy life! I do not want to be a queen in his life, but to become his best person, his best woman, his muse; it is what makes me smile! I want to have a very special connection with you, my man! I want to understand you without saying any word; my eyes will tell you everything! I believe in a happy fairy tale and I hope you will help me to make this dream a reality!
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